Monday 24 March 2008

Bonaparte's and Franklin's Gulls, and a Red-necked Grebe....

24 March - an excellent Easter Monday. First stop Cheddar Reservoir, where after a short wait I had very good views of the first-winter Bonaparte's Gull - compared with Black-headed, it looked smaller and more delicate, with a large head smudge, grey nape and black bill. In flight the upperwing contrast and pink legs were obvious, see lower pic. A Red-necked Grebe at Cheddar was seen down to 20 yds, and is now moulting into summer plumage. See upper pic I took by the tower. Also seen, 50+ Sand Martins.
Then on to Chew Valley Lake, where distant views of the Franklin's Gull were obtained from Woodford Lodge. Distinctive darkish grey mantle, with black hood, fairly rounded wings.
A quick stop at Marshfield en route home produced 3 Wheatears including 2 males, my first of the year.

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