Thursday 24 April 2008

Ross's Gull

24 April - the continued presence of an adult Ross's Gull tempted me onto the M6 early morning and 3h later I was at Lytham St Anne's on the Ribble Estuary - the bird had been relocated just before I arrived and I spent an hour watching it - superb dainty gull with a pink wash on the underparts, gentle facial expression, wedge-shaped tail and white primaries in flight. Fantastic Arctic waif! A couple of my record shots above.
The Glossy Ibis was also seen at Warton Bank, 3m upriver. Waders on the estuary included flocks of Dunlin, Knot and Grey Plover, with a few Redshank and Black-tailed Godwit. Migrants Swallows were flying around in the sun. An excellent morning.

23 April - A quick look at Kent End Quarry at CWP in the evening produced a Common Sandpiper and a calling Whimbrel, also the 2 Greenshanks still present.

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