Monday 13 April 2009

Grasshopper Warblers and Woodlark

13 April - an early morning visit to Otmoor, and 2 Grasshopper warblers reeling in the field by the car park (heard but not seen), also 2-3 Whitethroats - 7 warbler spp in total including a Cetti's.
A quick look at Farmoor produced 3 Common Terns but no Yellow Wagtails...and I missed the Bonaparte's Gull seen again briefly later in the day!
Finally a walk at Greenham Common eventually produced a distant singing Woodlark (pic), but the Dartford warblers have been hit really hard by the cold winter - one heard calling but none seen. They used to be really easy to see here.
I saw 7 Red Kites during the morning while driving between birding sites - 3 over the A34 at East Ilsley, and 4 from the A4 just east of Hungerford. They certainly seem to be expanding in both numbers and range.

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