Friday 28 August 2009

American Black Tern (and White-winged Black Tern) at Farmoor

28 August - an evening visit to Farmoor and rather more than I bargained for! I saw the juvenile White-winged Black Tern as expected, but arrived to the news that a juvenile tern present had been identified as a juvenile American Black Tern. The quintet was completed by 3 juvenile Black Terns. The WWB Tern was very distinctive as ever, with a dark "saddle" contrasting with pale wings (and underwings) - the American Black had a sooty grey wash on the underparts, with grey on the breast sides, and a uniform tail colour. Identified by Ian Lewington, and a 3rd for the UK. Photos of both birds together, copyright Archie Archer. A late Swift was with the hirundine flock.

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