Monday 27 September 2010

Empidonax Flycatcher on Blakeney Point - and Norfolk migrants

27 Sept - A day off coincided with the presence of the Empidonax Flycatcher at Blakeney Point, Norfolk, so I made the 1 hr, 3-mile walk up the shingle and was rewarded with excellent views of the presumed Alder Flycatcher - olive green upperparts, yellow wash to the underparts, double wing bar, faint eye ring, stout bill. Upper photo, copyright Penny Clarke. There was also an impressive amount of visible migration - many Song Thrushes in the dunes together with several Redstarts, large numbers of Pipits and Chaffinches together with at least 3 Bramblings and several Siskins - and a Short-eared Owl flew in off the sea (middle) and a ringtail Hen Harrier was present.
A Marsh Harrier was seen from the A149 at Salthouse, and at Kelling Water Meadows a Red-necked Phalarope fed side-by-side with a Grey Phalarope. Lower photo, copyright Dave Stone.

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