Friday 22 May 2020


22 May - mid to late May is the traditional time for waders on passage to their Arctic breeding grounds to drop in briefly at Farmoor. The reservoir has now re-opened from 10am, but pedestrian access is allowed a few minutes before, so I bypassed the long queue of fisherman's vehicles and walked up to the causeway - 3 small waders were feeding half way along, a Ringed Plover together with 2 of my target species, the Sanderling. Unfortunately they were not in the full russet breeding plumage, but still a real bonus to see with their scalloped upperparts. Unfortunately they were very wary and within 10 minutes or so flew off high to the north, indeed some birders arriving a bit later did not see them at all. Waders on the causeway at Farmoor, especially autumn juveniles on their first migration, can sometimes give exceptional close views compared with the distant specks usually seen on gravel pits or estuaries.

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